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How To Put Together an Amazing Website

Plan the Infra

A strong website involves four primary infrastructure considerations:

  • DNS Registrar
  • Design and Development
  • Hosting
  • Maintenance

Systematically exploring the right questions about each helps you to understand the best options for your company. 

DNS Registrar

The domain name system (DNS) serves as a phone book of the internet. It translates a domain name into an IP address. A DNS Provider handles the reservation of domain names and assignment of IP addresses.

Most DNS providers do a fine job of registering the domain – its hard to go wrong! However, most DNS providers sell add-on products such as email services and hosting. For a small operation, this may provide an ok solution. But larger operations require enterprise hosting and email services.


The Host

While the DNS provider is rightfully thought of as a commodity, a website host never should be. Back in the day, a host usually described a generic patch of server space with maybe a few safeguards throw in. With the ubiquity of cloud services, options have become a lot more robust. The key in choosing a great host for your website is matching a solution to your needs.

When building on WordPress, choose a host that tunes their offerings specifically to WordPress users needs. Gone are the days when you can throw a big machine in a back bedroom and call it a server. Your website deserves better.

Design & Development

Start with an appreciation of the customer’s journey. How are your customers coming to your site? What single action would you want them to take? Interactive design mocks allow you to understand how the site will be used and what action you want your users to take. 

When it is time for development, there’s little reason to build on any other platform outside of WordPress. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows multiple users to contribute content. It offers a variety of plug-ins to provide special enhancements and easy edits. Properly deployed, it allows for lightning fast speeds and search engine optimization.



Should you get maintenance? Well, it depends. If you are a local business with small aspirations, probably not. But for middle to large enterprises that plan to grow, maintenance offers a lot of value.

Maintenance at a minimum should include: site backups, WordPress plug-in verification, speed verification and optimization, and core code updates. All of these ensure your site runs great now and well into the future. A good maintenance package also provides on-demand expert troubleshooting.